The main purpose of the second paragraph of the passage is to

alliehall21 on July 1, 2020

It is really hard to understand why we are struggling on RC by there are usually no full explanations

It would be really nice if on every question it could have an explanation for the correct answer and each wrong answer. There is no way to learn if not, and usually it takes months to get a response. Please consider uploading explanations, thank you

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Victoria on July 11, 2020

Hi @alliehall21,

Thanks for your message. I recommend contacting our support staff by tapping "support" from the left menu or by calling 855.483.7862 ext. 2 Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. PST. They're always looking for input on how to make the program even better, so your thoughts will be appreciated.

The instructors, like myself, specialize in helping with specific LSAT questions and private tutoring, so contacting the support team regarding your suggestions is best.

Thanks, and let us know if you have any content-related questions!