By referring to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as "purely programmatic" (line 49) in nature, the author mo...

Augusto on July 3, 2020

Sufficient x Necessary

What is the difference on the approach of a question stem about strengthen with a necessary premise vs. strengthen with a sufficient premise?

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BenMingov on July 3, 2020

Hi Augusto, thanks for the question.

The question stems themselves differ in the following way:

Necessary premise - will ask for an assumption that is in some way needed, required, argument depends on, etc. (uses necessary indicators)

Sufficient premise - will ask for an assumption that, IF provided, would allow the argument to be properly draw, fully justified, prove the conclusion, etc. (Uses sufficient indicators; primarily if)

For strengthen with necessary premise, you should be looking for an answer choice that the argument really requires in order to be true. While for strengthen with sufficient premise, you should be looking for an answer choice that would guarantee the truth of the argument.

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.