Which one of the following is a potter whose bowl must be displayed?

evelynakinyemi on July 7, 2020

Why not A?

Why is the answer choice not A instead of B? Is it because Newman can be replaced? I went with A because of the condition stating Newman being placed in the 5th position. It felt too good to be true when I chose it and I was right.

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shunhe on July 8, 2020

Hi @evelynakinyemi,

Thanks for the question! So make sure you read that last rule carefully. It says that N’s bowl can be displayed only in position five; in other words, if N’s bowl is displayed at all, then it’s in position five. But it doesn’t say that N’s bowl has to be displayed, and it turns out, it doesn’t. Which is why (A) is wrong.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.

evelynakinyemi on July 8, 2020

Ahh okay, got it! Thank you!

shunhe on July 8, 2020

Glad I could help!