Sarah: Our regulations for staff review are vague and thus difficult to interpret. For instance, the regulations sta...

kimfurtado on July 8, 2020

Explanations Not Correct

Not sure if this is just for me, but the explanations for these answers relate to TV advertisements and violence which I believe are for the previous question. It also shows B as correct in green but says incorrect.

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shunhe on July 8, 2020

Please direct any support related issues (including video explanations) to our support staff by tapping "support" from the left menu or by calling 855.483.7862 ext. 2 Monday-Friday 9am-6pm PT. Sorry about that, and thanks for letting us know about this!

husky07 on September 12, 2020

I have the same issue.

Stephanie on October 15, 2020

I also got explanations that don't fit the question

on June 30, 2021

Hi! I was wondering how I can see my total score at the end of my practice exam!

JosephRocco on September 7, 2022

I'm having the same issue. Is "B" the correct answer?