Which one of the following could be the positions, from first to seventh, in which the photographs are hung?

rosemarie on July 13, 2020


When I diagrammed this scenario, since F could either be 1 or 7 I made 2 scenarios, one with F being 1 and the other with 7 being 7. After answering the questions it seems as though i did not have to create 2 different scenarios, but I was treating this more as a guru game and therefore illustrating multiple possibilities. How can I be able to tell that I do not need to diagram multiple scenarios? When should I illustrate them all, and when should I just leave the set-up as is, as the video explanation of this game shows? Just to save time, as I have been having problems with time and not diagramming multiple scenarios before attacking the questions would have spared me time. Thank you!

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Emil-Kunkin on January 6, 2024

As a general rule I have a two part test for when I like to diagram. First, are there a limited number of scenarios? That is, are there three or ideally two possibilities? Here there are, so we move on to the second test. This is, do each of the scenarios tell us something? Here, F doesn't link with any other variables, and the first and last positions only tangentially relate to other rules, so I would not bother making scenarios.