The passage implies that Kahlo's attitude toward the economic development of Mexico was

kens on July 24, 2020

June 1997 LSAT rc7

Can you explain this question in more detail? Thanks in advance!

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shunhe on July 24, 2020

Hi @kenken,

Thanks for the question! So we’re being asked here for Kahlo’s attitude toward the economic development of Mexico. Hopefully, during our read through, we were able to remember roughly where large topics were discussed. If we did, we’ll remember that this was discussed in the last paragraph. Specifically, take a look at lines 54-56. There, we’re told that Kahlo favored planned economic development, but not at the expense of cultural identity. So she was definitely supportive of it, but just wanted to make sure it was done carefully in order to not sacrifice cultural identity. Well, that’s exactly what (C) says, that her attitude towards the economic development was cautious.

(A) is wrong because “enthusiastic” is too extremely positive. (B), (D), and (E) aren’t right because we know she supported the economic development, so she wasn’t opposed or unsure about it.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.