Some potential anticancer drugs work by depriving growing tumors of needed blood vessels. The creation of blood vesse...

ankita96 on July 31, 2020

Ans choice B.

Hi, Could you please explain the incorrect choices as well. Particularly choice B. Thank You in advance!!

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shunhe on August 1, 2020

Hi @ankita96,

Thanks for the question! Let’s go through each of the wrong answer choices and see why they’re not correct.

(A) is wrong because we’re not told anywhere that the cells in tumors are more similar in structure to fat cells than other cells in the body. Nothing is said about structural similarity anywhere.

(B) is wrong because we’re told in the stimulus that the drugs can prevent obesity in rodents, but (B) tells us that the drugs would probably enable obese humans to lose weight. Preventing obesity from happening in the first place and helping out with obesity after it happens are two different things, so we can’t infer this from the stimulus.

(D) is wrong because nothing connects cancers with obesity in the stimulus. We know that the drug can help prevent obesity in rodents and it’s a potential anticancer drug, but that can’t get us to (D).

(E)’s wrong because vital nutrients (or indeed, any nutrients) aren’t mentioned in the stimulus, and so can’t be supported based on the facts in the stimulus.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.

ankita96 on August 1, 2020

Okay I get it, Thank you, that was really helpful!

ankita96 on August 1, 2020

Okay I get it, Thank you, that was really helpful!