September 2017 LSAT
Section 1
Question 9
If the winner of a promotional contest is selected by a lottery, the lottery must be fair, giving all entrants an equ...


hfatima1 on August 5, 2020
so, I googled the word conspicuously on google and it is defined as visible. I thought it meant hidden or obscure, so that is why I chose it. However, I realized even if the rules were hidden, that still does not connect back to the 2 day period sentence.Is my logic correct?

shunhe on August 5, 2020
Hi @hfatima1,Thanks for the question! So let’s talk about why (C) is right and (D) is wrong. (D) is wrong because the rules being posted conspicuously (or in an obvious manner where people can see it) doesn’t really affect the author’s conclusion, which is that the lottery isn’t fair. The author talks about the fairness of the lottery from the perspective of the distribution of entry forms, and (D) talks about how obviously the rules were posted, so it doesn’t strengthen.
(C), on the other hand, does. This is because remember, the author’s point is that there’s a bunch of winners from the people who submitted they entry forms early (in the first 2 days). And so you might think, well, maybe it’s just the case that that’s when most people submitted their tickets. (C) tells us that’s not the case, that people submitted their entry forms consistently. So to have such a huge bias towards the first people who entered suggests that the lottery isn’t fair and that all entrants didn’t have an equal chance of entering. And that strengthens the author’s argument, so (C) is correct.
Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.