If exactly three friends appear together in a photograph, then each of the following could be true EXCEPT:

lsatstudier1 on August 7, 2020

Strategy and Timing

Hi, What would be the fastest way to approach a question like this that at first glance, seems to require multiple hypotheticals? Obviously this one is "lucky" because A is the correct answer, but is there a better way to address this question type other than writing out many hypotheticals? Thanks!

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Emil-Kunkin on December 20, 2023

For must be false questions, try to break the game. That is, the right answer will be something that breaks the game, so look in advance for ways to do it. We know that at least one of Ry will be in. So, if exactly three are in, the two in the answer choice must either include at least one of ry, or must not trigger anyone else being in.m