June 2018 LSAT
Section 4
Question 15
The selection of nominees and the offices for which they run is completely determined if which one of the following i...
Seo on August 13, 2020
After a few more tries, I was able to figure it out.Ecochran on October 20, 2020
Hi, I would actually still like an explanation of this question. Do you just have to try out each answer?jingjingxiao11111@gmail.com on November 5, 2020
Hi I am not an instructor but I only tried F and H to get to the right answer because F and H are the most restrictive in the sense that they have the most rules around their selection.First scenario: without F. Without F, H must be treasurer but council positions are still open to J G L and mayor position is still open to KJ GL. Thus, this scenario does not set all variables in stone.
Second scenario: without H. Without H, F must be treasurer. G cannot be selected as a result of F being selected. Without F and G, we are left with only 4 variables LJKH. H must be treasurer as previously stated. So only LJK are left to fill 1 mayor and 2 council positions. K cannot be council according to the rule so K must be mayor. That leaves LJ only to fill the two council positions.
Thus, we conclude that without F as per second scenario, all positions are fully determined.
I hope I explained it correctly. Please feel free to correct me. Thank you
jingjingxiao11111@gmail.com on November 5, 2020
Sorry I meant to type the correct answer is second scenario without H choice C. Thank you