Which one of the following most likely reflects the author's belief about the current impasse between subjectivists a...

Anna20 on August 13, 2020

Studying the Mind

I was stuck between B and C here - I picked C (the incorrect answer) and am curious as to why this is unsupported. I chose C because I liked the "unavoidable" as that reflects the example in paragraph 4, not sure I see why this answer choice would be unsupported by the text?! And how to make sure to land on B on test day? Thanks so much!!

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shunhe on August 14, 2020

Hi @Anna2020,

Thanks for the question! So we’re asked for what the author thinks about the current impasse between subjectivists and objectivists. (C) tells us that the author thinks that the impasse is unavoidable unless both sides recognize that an accurate understanding of the mind requires both types of evidence. Does the author ever say this, that both sides are needed? You pointed at paragraph 4, which is the analogy to a debate between adherents of different religions about the creation of the universe. But does the author say something like “both sides have to realize that you need both sides?” No, that’s not what’s being said, the author just says you have to investigate the authority of the texts themselves. But it’s still possible that one side’s right, and the other side’s wrong. So even if you think the “unavoidable” is fine, the part after the “unless” is wrong.

Now, as for (B), that tells us that the impasse is resolvable only if the two sides can find common ground from which to assess their competing conceptions of evidence. And that actually seems supported if you take a look at lines 35-36, which tell us that “for reasoned discourse to occur, there must be shared assumptions or beliefs.” Make sure you go back to the text and find specific textual support for your answer choice!

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.