October 2000 LSAT
Section 2
Question 20
Which one of the following most accurately states the author's main point in the passage?

Victoria on September 4, 2020
Hi @Veda-Bhadharla,Happy to help!
First, to clarify, answer choice (E) is the correct answer for this question.
Now, let's start by going through the passage.
Paragraph 1 tells us that most scientists who study the physiological effects of alcohol have generally assumed that the only active ingredient in wine is alcohol. This means that they have not investigated wine as having distinct effects as compared to other alcoholic beverages even though wine has been thought to have healthful effects.
Paragraph 2 begins by describing recent research where scientists have investigated the effects of moderate wine consumption. These researchers found that the alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream at a slower rate when subjects drank wine as compared to other alcoholic beverages. This paragraph concludes by telling us that scientists discovered a correlation between increased moderate wine consumption and decreased deaths due to premature heart disease.
Paragraph 3 outlines the factors that likely contribute to this correlation. Moderate wine consumption increases the activity of a natural clot-breaking compound, increases levels of compounds that may prevent damage from high lipid levels, and both decreases the thickness of blood vessel walls and reduces platelet adhesiveness. This final paragraph concludes by citing a study where platelet adhesiveness was reduced in individuals who drank large amounts of grape juice. The passage tells us that this suggests that we may be able to link the healthful effects of moderate wine consumption to compounds found in grapes as this would explain the difference between wine and other alcoholic beverages.
Notice that the passage spends the majority of its time focusing on the healthful effects of moderate wine consumption and possible explanations for these effects. While Paragraph 1 does note that past assumptions have led to these effects being obscured by scientists, answer choice (A) is incorrect because it does not encompass the majority of the passage.
On the other hand, answer choice (E) covers the difference between wine and other alcoholic beverages, the healthful effects of moderate wine consumption, and the recent research which suggests that these effects may be linked to compounds present in grapes.
The LSAT will often try to trick you on Main Point Reading Comp questions by providing you with an answer choice that covers something mentioned early on in the passage as answer choice (A) did here. Make sure you always read the full passage and develop a thorough understanding of what each paragraph is saying before addressing any of the questions to avoid falling into these sorts of traps.
Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any further questions.