If Larsen's bowl is displayed in position 1 and Olivera's bowl is displayed in position 4, which one of the following...

ginakd on August 27, 2020


Couldn't the display be L S P O N R with M and V out? Doesn't this adhere to all of the rules or did I miss something? Thanks in advance for the help!

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ginakd on August 27, 2020

Nevermind, I figured it out! Totally overlooked rule #4

Victoria on August 27, 2020

Hi @ginakd,

Glad to hear you've figured it out! Keep up the great work and please let us know if you have any further questions.

Rozanna on January 11, 2021


Why can't the order be L M/V V/M O P S?

Emil-Kunkin on March 27, 2023

Hi, both L and M cannot be in