If Pinsky serves on every subcommittee on which French serves and every subcommittee on which Ghauri serves, then whi...

zia305 on August 29, 2020


Can someone please explain the right answer?

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Emil-Kunkin on December 25, 2023

The two conditions here mean that for every time F or G appear, P must also appear. This also guarantees that P is the member who is on all three so we have

1 P F
2 P G
3 P

We also know that HI cannot both be in the third subcommittee.

A cannot happen, since this would force H and I into the third slot together.
B cannot happen because there simply aren't enough slots for this to happen
C could happen, see below
D can't happen as this would violate the FG rule
E cannot happen because it would violate the HI rule

1 P F H
2 P G H
3 P I M