If Laura and Norma speak the same language as each other, then the maximum number of the tourists who could speak Tur...

Rachel-Caldwell-2 on September 3, 2020

Maximum number at one time or maximum number of people that could speak?

I was confused by the wording of this question of whether it was asking if it was referring to the maximum number of tourists who could speak Turkish at one time or the maximum number of tourists who could speak turkish out of all of the people in the game. Five people could have spoken turkish under those circumstances, but only three at a time. How to I avoid this confusion in the future?

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Emil-Kunkin on November 30 at 01:40AM

Good question, the wording here is ambiguous and modern tests are unlikely to be so unclear. However, if one were to see as weird of a question as this, I think we should start with the condition. Since it's asking us what would happen if we applied that condition, so it appears this is referring to the maximum who could speak Turkish at the same time once that condition is applied.m