Which one of the following is most analogous to the use of old photographic techniques for artistic purposes by late-...

lsatstudier1 on September 4, 2020

Why is it D and not C?


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Alasan-Huff on September 10, 2020

I also put C at first, but I think it is D now because it most closely reflects how Estabrook artificially makes his art pieces have a sense of antiquity.

Meredith on September 15, 2020

Can someone please answer this question - I have it too. Thanks!

Victoria on September 23, 2020

Hi @lsatstudier1, @Alasan-Huff, and @Meredith,

Happy to help!

We are looking for the answer choice which describes the situation that is most analogous to late-twentieth-century artists using old photographic techniques for artistic purposes.

Why did late-twentieth-century artists choose to use these old techniques? Paragraph 3 tells us that the source of their appeal is that they are "heavily hands-on and idiosyncratic" (lines 27 to 28).

Additionally, the final paragraph tells us that these techniques produce widely variable outcomes, thereby "virtually guarantee[ing] that each production is one of a kind and bears...the indelible mark of the artist's encounter with a particular set of circumstances" (lines 48 to 52).

So, late-twentieth-century artists chose to use these old techniques to create irregular, one-of-a-kind pieces of art.

Answer choice (D) is correct because it directly mirrors this situation. The designer chooses to use fabrics produced using an old technique (old-fashioned looms) to create pieces of clothing which feature the irregular texture of handwoven garments. Like the artists using old photographic techniques to produce irregular photos, the clothing designer aims to produce clothing which features irregular textures.

Answer choice (C) is incorrect because it is focused on the engineer's preference for efficiency. In choosing to use the old techniques, the artists are employing a less efficient process for artistic purposes.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any further questions.