Reviewer: Many historians claim, in their own treatment of subject matter, to be as little affected as any natural s...

pattyd97 on September 6, 2020

D seems more like a strengthening answer rather than a weakening one

Reviewer: It is said some historians claim to be objective. We cannot trust these proclamations because there are examples of authors who have displayed these biases. It then asks what statement shows the vulnerability in the reviews statement. The correct answer then states “ takes for granted some historical works embody prejudices from authors who claim to be objective.” I am confused because it seems as though the correct answer choice would strengthen the authors argument rather than weaken it for it agree with what the reviewer stated previously.

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Emil-Kunkin on December 25, 2023

The author declares that all historians must not be objective because there are some examples of history that is not objective. However, this is flawed because the mere existence of a counterexample does not prove that there are no positive examples. In this case, it is possible that the historians who are not objective do not claim to be objective. This shows that these historians do not even relate to the historians who do claim to be objective whose claims the author dismisses here.