Politician: Nobody can deny that homelessness is a problem yet there seems to be little agreement on how to solve ...

lsatstudier1 on September 9, 2020

Translation, please!

I ended up choosing the correct answer (C), but I was stuck between it and (E). E says, "If a measure is sufficient to solve a problem, any steps necessitated by that measure should be adopted." What exactly does this mean? Is it describing the following scenario P1: A---> B P2: A---> C C: Therefore, must do C (B is the problem referred to in the answer choice)

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juliaharriman on December 9, 2020

Can I get some help on this question?

Emil-Kunkin on October 13 at 09:19PM

E means that if something is guaranteed to completely solve the problem then we should adopt it. I think it's easier to think about this in terms of the argument. Did the passage tell us that raising taxes will solve the problem, or that in order to solve it, we must raise taxes? Since it's the latter, this is a necessary condition and not a sufficient condition.