Which one of the following most accurately describes the organization of the passage?

hfatima1 on September 10, 2020

Why not A

this is the only question I missed in this section, i was really sure that the first paragraph was biography and the last paragraph was an evaluation of his later work?

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jingjingxiao11111@gmail.com on October 31, 2020

Hi I am not an instructor but I believe that A is wrong because the middle part of the passage does not trace artistic development through several of Cullen’s poetries, as A claims. E is a better fit because the middle part of the passage offers differing opinions on the success of his poetry, as some claim that it is really awesome while others have more negative views about his poetries such as the fact his work sometimes seems to waver between poetry aesthetics and racial concerns.

Another reason E is a better fit is that the last paragraph of the passage explores themes such as religion and racial issues in Cullen’s later work, whiles A claims that the last paragraph is a critical evaluation of Cullen’s later work. A critical evaluation of Cullen’s later work, by definition, must evaluate Cullen’s later work by presenting its merits and shortcomings. Since the last paragraph only explores what themes Cullen’s later work address and do not present merits and shortcomings of his later literary work, E is a better fit by claiming that the passage ends by a discussion of thematic development in his later work.

I hope that I explained it correctly. Please feel free to correct me. Thank you