If Jacobson swims lap 8, then for exactly how many of the ten laps can one determine which team member swims the lap?

zia305 on September 10, 2020

Answer explanation

Can someone please explain all the right answers for all the questions

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Emil-Kunkin on November 22 at 04:54PM

Hi, let's see what happens if we know that J is in 3 and 8.

_ _ j _ _ _ _ j _ _

In this case, we know that O comes before j, and it must be the case for both Os and both Js here. So we have

_ o j _ _ _ o j _ _

We also know that m must come before o, so we have

M o j _ _ m o j _ _

And finally, since k can't be immediately before l, we have

m o j l k m o j l k