Which one of the following is most analogous to the role that, according to the author, custom-made medical illustrat...

Melody on September 17, 2020

answer C

why isn't C correct? Thanks!

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shunhe on September 17, 2020

Hi @Melody,

Thanks for the question! So this question is asking us for something most analogous to the role that custom-made medical illustrations play in personal injury cases. What exactly is that role? We’re basically told that these custom-made illustrations provide “visual representations of data whose verbal description would be very complex.” So when there’s hard data, they help show it to us. That’s what we’re going to be looking for.

Now take a look at (C), which tells us about children’s drawings that psychologists use to detect wishes and anxieties not apparent int he children’s behavior. That’s not using the drawings to help represent data we already have that’s super complex. That’s a new form of data collection. That would be like if the custom-made medical illustrations helped show us injuries that weren’t shown before, which isn’t what they’re doing, and that makes (C) wrong.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.