As it is presented in the passage, the approach to history taken by mainstream U.S. historians of the late nineteenth...

torianna1223 on September 22, 2020

Linear Game 1 Question 7

I don't see how answer choice C is incorrect. If you place G 4th then that forces P to be 7th. This then leaves the only available slot for L and O at 1 & 2. Please explain how this is incorrect.

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Hi Victoria!

I was puzzled as well as I thought the correct choice was C. Here's how I understood that it isn't the right answer:

- Choice C presents the hypothetical that G is placed in slot 4. This means that P can validly be either in slot 1 or slot 7 (as shown in the video explanation), in accordance with one of the restrictions given in the passage.

- If P is in slot 1, LO can be validly be placed in slots 2 and 3 (so, P, L, O, G then N/H/S) or in slots 5 and 6 (P, H/S, S/H, G, L, O, N).

- If P is in slot 7, LO can validly be placed in either slots 1 and 2 or slots 2 and 3, since either of these positions mean that N can still be after the LO block.

- G being placed at slot 4 doesn't tell us whether P is in slot 1 or slot 7, so we can't know for sure where O would be placed since it'll depend where P would be as well, and even then we have several valid positions for O.

I think our common mistake was that we stuck with one option of P's positioning (slot 7) by virtue of G being in slot 4, forgetting that P could just as validly be in slot 1, which alters where O could be. Therefore, G being is slot C doesn't necessarily mean that we'll know which slot O would be in with 100% certainty.

Something we can both do in the future is take an extra second to make sure we are keeping an account of all the possibilities of the other letters if we stick a letter in one slot.

I hope this was helpful, let me know! I wish you the best Victoria - keep at it! :)