Where each photograph is hung is fully determined if which one of the following is true?

AndreaA on September 27, 2020

Better Approach

May I ask if there is a better way to find the answer choice than to go through each one to determine if it’s true or not. I believe that going through each answer will waste time, is there a better approach? I notice in most videos, the instructor goes through each answer choice to find the right answer but what if the answer choice is E, didn’t we waste time by drawing out each answer choice.

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Emil-Kunkin on January 6, 2024

In general, we can prioritize a bit. Partly we can do this by looking for which rule or set of rules is most restrictive. That is, here we have one set of rules that tell us a lot about ghk, and one about IL, so I would look to answer chicles that place those blocks first. Second, I like to skim answer choices to see if they immediately trigger a number of other things. This is effectively half doing each one, but the ones that you don't see how they would place mat other things should be deprioritized in flavor of ones that do trigger a number of other things,