If the second of the three site visits includes both Rodriguez and Taylor, which one of the following must be true?

erica-scott on September 27, 2020

D, E, and A all seem to be right

Hi there! So I got to the point with all the deductions that says... F: Q _: RT _: Which supports answer A. However, since one of the rules states that S goes before V wouldn't that force us to put S in the second row. And if we put S in the second row and it goes before V that would put V in the third row. F: Q _:RTS _:V Now answer choices D,E, and A all seem right??? PLS HELP! Thanks in advance!

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erica-scott on October 1, 2020

Still kinda confused on this one - if someone could help me out that would be great! Thanks!

markmnovak on December 19, 2023

Erica I am literally just as stumped as you with all 3. They all seem to be correct based on the restrictions of the given info. Lmao

markmnovak on December 19, 2023

Erica, I figured it out. The 4th rule states that V cannot come before S but it doesn't limit the two being placed together. When you consider that S and V can be placed on the same day/row, it makes A the correct answer.