Wood–frame houses withstand earthquakes far better than masonry houses do, because wooden frames have some flexibilit...

liwenong28 on October 26, 2020

Why C

I picked E. Can someone explain the correct answer and why E would be wrong?

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kelscort16 on February 2, 2021

is the answer choice C because it is giving another example of why the home would be more likely to get damaged?

Emil-Kunkin on April 13, 2023

Hi, C is indeed correct because it gives an example of why that particular wood house was more likely to get damaged. E is wrong because it applies equally to the masonry and the wood houses. We are looking to explain the surprise result that the wood was damaged and the stone was not, so we would need to show that this wood house was in some way lesser or that the stone was in some way better than average. E doesn't do this.