Which one of the following, if substituted for the constraint that if televisions are not on sale during the first we...

plynch18 on October 30, 2020

these types of questions

I'm really struggling with how to best test out the answers to these questions/what to look for. I'm not understanding them.

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Emil-Kunkin on April 27 at 02:47PM

For rule replacement questions, we are looking to find an answer that has the exact same impact on the game. That is, it's basically a restatement of the initial rule. So, we can start with what the initial rule did.

The initial rule was that 1 is either t or r, but when combined with the next rule, it created two scenarios: either 1 is T, or 1 is R and T is 7. The right answer will recreate this, and this is exactly what E does.