Which one of the following is an acceptable placement of dishes on the bottom, middle, and top shelves?

myaysa.evans16 on November 5, 2020


I thought C was the correct because with the second rule that 2 has to be at least one self above 6? Am I interpreting this rule incorrectly?

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SamA on November 7, 2020

Hello @myaysa.evans16

You have stated the rule correctly. 2 must be at least one shelf above 6. However, I don't think you are visualizing the shelves properly.

If I arrange it from top to bottom, this is what answer choice C looks like.

T: 1 3 5
M: 4 6
B: 2

As you can see, dish 2 is below dish 6 in this scenario, so we can eliminate answer choice C. Note that dish 2 can never be on the bottom shelf, because it has to be somewhere above 6.