June 2019 LSAT
Section 4
Question 14
If Gold is shown in the first week, which one of the following could be true?

SamA on November 9, 2020
Hello @angelasargent,I'll help you diagram this one.
Oil Paintings: G, H, I
Watercolors: P, R, S
O: _ _ _ _
W: _ _ _ _
1 2 3 4
In this particular question, we are told that G is in week 1. What else can we infer from this? We know that P cannot be in week one based on rule 2. We know that S cannot be in week one either, because S must be paired with H. This leaves only R for week 1 watercolor.
O: G _ _ _
W: R _ _ _
1 2 3 4
There are more inferences to be made. Consider rule 4, which I diagrammed like this:
H1 or H2 ----> I1 (H can actually never be first according to this rule, but this is how I chose to express "earlier than third.")
Contrapositive: not I1 ---> H3 or H4
Because G is in week one, we know that I cannot be there, triggering the contrapositive above. H must be 3 or 4, which leaves only I for week 2. From this, we can infer that neither S nor R can be in week two (no consecutives), leaving only P.
O: G I H/ H/
W: R P _ _
1 2 3 4
You should now be able to see why S cannot be in week 2. When you are dealing with a game like this that only has three items per group, make sure you pay attention to what is eliminated. By eliminating S and R from week two, I know with certainty that P must be there.
angelasargent on November 10, 2020
@SamA thank you much.Lisam on July 9, 2021
Hello, why can't Ibek be in week three?Lisam on July 9, 2021
Hello, why can't Ibek be in week three?
Emil-Kunkin on April 21 at 11:41PM
If G is in the first week, then I must be in the second week, which means that it can't also be third since it can't go back to back.