Trust, which cannot be sustained in the absence of mutual respect, is essential to any long–lasting relationship, per...

Cassy on December 3, 2020

Still don’t understand why C is incorrect

I selected C as my answer choice, as I can see in the forum was also a problem other test takers ran into. I suppose I’m just really struggling to understand why it is incorrect. Perhaps I misunderstood what the question is asking? Does it want us to select the answer choice that corresponds with the contra positive? Is C the wrong answer choice simply because it states what was said in the statement above? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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Emil-Kunkin on December 25, 2023

The right answer will be something that we can conclusively prove based on the passage. C is not proved by the passage. We are told that endurance and affinity are necessary conditions for lasting, but not that they are sufficient.