Which one of the following, if substituted for the constraint that if televisions are not on sale during the first we...

Mackenzie-Clapp on December 5, 2020

How do you approach this style question?

I have been doing LG Sections from prep tests trying to boost my score and this question type keeps coming up. How does someone approach this question as I keep getting this question type wrong? Thanks

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Emil-Kunkin on April 27 at 02:47PM

For rule replacement questions, we are looking to find an answer that has the exact same impact on the game. That is, it's basically a restatement of the initial rule. So, we can start with what the initial rule did.

The initial rule was that 1 is either t or r, but when combined with the next rule, it created two scenarios: either 1 is T, or 1 is R and T is 7. The right answer will recreate this, and this is exactly what E does.