Leslie: I'll show you that your quest for the treasure is irrational. Suppose you found a tablet inscribed, "Whoever...

cbear on December 15, 2020

Further Explanation

When attempting this question, I was in between D and E. I ended up choosing D because I thought she was convincing him more than he was doing, which is presented in answer choice E. I'm looking for a greater explanation with why answer choice E is correct.

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shunhe on December 22, 2020

Hi @cbear,

Thanks for the question! So we’re looking for the main conclusion here. So to sum up what’s going on here, she says that “I’m going to show you that this quest in irrational.” And then provides a hypothetical, and makes him answer it, and then argues that this shows how he’s being irrational. So the main conclusion that Leslie’s trying to draw is just (E), that Erich is being irrational!

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.