If retail stores experience a decrease in revenues during this holiday season, then either attitudes toward extravaga...

cheynnelee on December 18, 2020

Question Explanation

Can we get an explanation for this question? More specifically, reasoning behind why B is incorrect

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shunhe on December 21, 2020

Hi @cheynnelee,

Thanks for the question! Let’s take a look at what we’re being asked here. We want to come up with something that has to be true if salaries have kept pace with rising prices during the past year.

Well, what do we know from the stimulus? We can diagram it basically as

Decrease in revenues —> Attitudes change v Prices rise
Attitudes change —> Celebrate
Prices rise —> ~Salaries keep pace

And so we now know that salaries actually did keep pace. Well, take the contrapositive of the last statement, which gets us

Salaries keep pace —> ~Prices rise

So now we know prices don’t rise. And that’s what (C) says, so we can pick it and move on. (B) doesn't follow because it's still possible that the attitudes changed, and only one of the two needs to happen.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.