If the line 3 tickets for January are red, then which one of the following statements must be true?

okburns on January 10, 2021

Why isn't A the correct choice for this question?

If we're told to assume the line 3 tickets for January are red, and we've already been told the line 2 tickets for January are purple, that means the line 1 January tickets must be green or yellow. If the line 3 January tickets are Red, then line three Feb must be green as we're told in rule 5. Doesn't that mean that line 1 Jan can't be green, per rule 3?

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shunhe on January 14, 2021

Hi @okburns,

Thanks for the question! Well, remember, this question is asking what MUST be true. Do the line 1 tickets for January HAVE to be green? No. As we see below:

If line 3 tickets for January are red, then line 3 tickets for February have to be green. So we have:

Jan: ? P R
Feb: ? ? G

The remaining color is January is yellow or green. There should be three possibilities:

Jan: Y P R?Feb: R Y G


Jan: G P R
Feb: R Y G


Jan: G P R
Feb: Y R G

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.