Commentator: If a political administration is both economically successful and successful at protecting individual li...

Connor-Thornton on January 12, 2021

Mastery of these skills

In the video at the very end, it mentions how crucial mastery of these skills (finding the main point, premises, etc.) is. I could not agree more and sometimes I find myself missing questions because I simply did not find the correct conclusion. I see myself getting better with more reps, but I am curious if I should try to fully master this skill before progressing on to other skills? In other words, should I take extra time on the practice questions and not move on until I am getting them easily? Or should I just keep with the calendar?

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shunhe on January 13, 2021

Hi @Connor-Thornton,

Thanks for the question! Depends on your exact situation, but what probably makes the most sense is to continue to move on (since you will also refine these skills by working on more advanced problems that will have you use these skills), but also taking some time to make sure you drill specifically these skills. It’ll take a bit more time, but if you have the extra time, it should pay off in the end. So what I’m suggesting is essentially that you keep with the calendar, but also add on some extra practice with the main point/argument structure type questions as well.

Hope this helps! Feel free to ask any other questions that you might have.

Connor-Thornton on January 20, 2021

Thank you!