If Magnolia is second, which one of the following CANNOT be true?

jbenav246@gmail.com on January 28, 2021

Most restrictive placement

Hello! I got this question right, but I am curious, similar to the previous question where we tried looking for the answer choice that was the most restrictive, is there a tip on how to look for the most restrictive placement of an answer choice? Because luckily this answer choice was the second to draw out, but in the event that it's the last one, I don't want to waste time drawing out each answer choice.

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Emil-Kunkin on January 6, 2024

For any scenario question, we should start with what must be true and here, we know that f must be one. So, we know then that we have five spots Left and two blocks of two. This leaves us with only two things that are impossible, h cannot go four or six, because that would necessarily break up one of our two blocks. So we don't even need to worry about restrictiveness