The author uses the word "immediacy" (line 39) most likely in order to express

rsbla on February 26, 2021

Argument Completion Drills

Can someone please explain why the conclusion for these two drills are different? P: C -- > X not X ---> not Z P:X exists C: No valid conclusion The other one is: P: not A ---> not C C ---> A P: C exists C: A exists

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deep-patel on February 26, 2021

oh thats because in the first one "X" is our necessary condition and we can't conclude anything from it except for its contrapositive but thats still the same as saying we have "X". Think about it like this all Jedi are use the Force and all squids are force users. Can you 100% say that if you are a force user you are a squid? maybe there could be a some relationship but you cant say it for a fact. hope that help.

deep-patel on February 26, 2021

lmk if it helped

Kara08 on April 15, 2021

Hello -- I need help on argument completion flashcard drills

Example: P: x--y / P: y--z
Contrapositive would be P: not y -- not x / P: not z -- not y

Now I get stuck on how to make the proper conclusion from the above setup. What should my next steps be?

rsbla on April 30, 2021
