If Wendy presents on exactly two of the subjects, then which one of the following must be true?

Anna20 on March 7, 2021

Villain Presentations

Please can you also explain this question? How do you know the answer is not A? The contrapositive of the 2nd rule says that "if W is in S, then R cannot be in S" - so I think you have two options here for where W can go: W's two options could be M and S, or J and S. j: m: W s: W j: W m: s: W I think it would be really helpful to have a video explanation on this game with the relevant inferences - e.g. not Rj --> not Gj --> Wj

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Emil-Kunkin on February 11, 2024

The answer is D, because we know that if W is in two, we know for sure she must be in S, which means R cannot be in S, and this R cannot me in M, therefore R can only go in J.

G does not have to be in J. We could have the following

M : w
J: R G
S: W