Historian: One traditional childrearing practice in the nineteenth century was to make a child who misbehaved sit ...

ericaday515 on March 15, 2021

Quick question

Can anyone explain why the answer would not be A instead of E? Thank you!

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Victoria on April 3, 2021

Hi @ericaday515,

Happy to help!

Answer choice (A) is incorrect because it only addresses one aspect of the child psychologists' beliefs.

We learn that many child psychologists believe that this practice damages a child's self-esteem AND that damage to a child's self-esteem makes them less confident as adults.

While the child psychologists may be incorrect in concluding that this practice causes damage to children's self-esteem, making them less confident adults, this does not necessarily mean that their beliefs about the consequences of the loss of self-esteem are incorrect.

It is possible that the child psychologists incorrectly concluded that this practice would damage children's self-esteem. This does not necessarily mean that damage to a child's self-esteem does not cause them to be less confident in adulthood.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any further questions.