If Sipapu is from the artist's second period, then which one of the following paintings could be from the period imme...

AJThede on March 17, 2021

I'm still confused... why B and not D?

You could have QT, VS, ZR... and I don't see any issues. Q isn't before T, S is before Z, v is in 2.... What's the problem?

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Victoria on April 12, 2021

Hi @AJThede,

Happy to help!

In the set-up that you have outlined above, V is not from the period immediately preceding Q; it is from the period following Q. Therefore, this set-up does not provide the correct answer to this question.

Answer choice (D) is incorrect because it is impossible. We know from the question stem that S is from the artist's second period. We know from Rule 1 that S is sold to P. We also know from Rule 3 that V is from the artist's second period. Therefore, V must be sold to M.

M: _ V _
P: _ S _
1 2 3

We know from Rule 1 that S is from an earlier period than Z which is sold to M. This means that Z must be from the artist's third period.

However, the question stem requires that the correct answer is from the period immediately preceding Q's period and is sold to the same buyer as Q. This means that Q must be from the artist's third period and must be sold to M.

As P and M each buy one painting from each period, this means that both Z and Q must be in the same spot. This is impossible; therefore, answer choice (D) is incorrect.

On the other hand, answer choice (B) allows us to meet all of the conditions.

M: T V Z
P: R S Q
1 2 3

1) S is sold to P and Z is sold to M. S is from the artist's second period and Z is from the artist's third period.

2) Q is from the artist's third period. This is not earlier than T which is from the artist's first period.

3) V is from the artist's second period.

Question stem - S is from the artist's second period and Q is from the artist's third period. Both S and Q are sold to P.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any further questions.