Which one of the following most accurately describes the function of the last sentence of the second paragraph?

mahosmar on March 19, 2021

Difficulty understanding A

Answer A looks good, but I didn't pick it initially because the language seemed too strong, such as "any theory of natural selection that accounts for kin recognition". The last sentence definitely addresses this as a roadblock in applying kin recognition in this particular case with tad poles, but didn't get any indication that it could be expanded to "any theory". thanks!

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Emil-Kunkin on November 2, 2023

It's critical to pay attention to the context of language and not just the strength or weakness of a clause. While that clause is indeed strong, all that it means is this is a problem for theories of Kin recognition. This is effectively the nature of seeming disconfirming evidence, it is something that any theory will have to overcome. So while it's strongly worded, all it means is that this is a fact that presents a problem for all Kim recognition theories.