If the inspection of G and of H are scheduled, not necessarily in that order, for days as far apart as possible, whic...

NicoleWebb831 on March 28, 2021

Why cant J be in 1

Why cant J be in 1? I put it in this order: JHQRGF

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Victoria on April 26, 2021

Hi @NicoleWebb831,

Happy to help!

J cannot be in position 1 because the question stem tells us that G and H must be scheduled as far apart as possible.

We know that F must be inspected on either Day 1 or Day 6. Therefore, there are two possibilities.

If F is scheduled on Day 1, then G and H must be scheduled on Day 2 and Day 6.

If F is scheduled on Day 6, then G and H must be scheduled on Day 1 and Day 5.

Therefore, the only three factories which can be inspected on Day 1 are F, G, or H.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any further questions.