Information in the passage most strongly supports which one of the following inferences regarding the text that this ...

mahosmar on March 29, 2021

Why is C Incorrect?

It seems like lines ~15-17 support this answer, which discusses how the author's scholarship is different than the mainstream. If the author admittedly takes a different, previously unstudied path, then wouldn't she expect not to be recognized as mainstream?

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Victoria on April 26, 2021

Hi @mahosmar,

Happy to help!

We do not learn much about the author's expectations for their work, except that they believe it is important. The author is largely focused on explaining their goals and methodology.

While lines 15 to 17 tell us that there has been insufficient scholarship on Tucker's life to date, this does not necessarily mean that any scholarship on Tucker's life would be considered outside of the mainstream nor are we provided with sufficient information to conclude that the author believes this to be true.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any further questions.