If lithography and fresco are scheduled for the afternoons of day 2 and day 3, respectively, which one of the followi...

Jason10 on April 1, 2021

Why History?

Hi, I am struggling to see why History is the answer and why it couldn't have been Oils or Pastels? I know sculptures + watercolors are out given the rules

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Victoria on April 2, 2021

Hi @Jason10,

Happy to help!

The question stem tells us that Lithography and Fresco are scheduled for the afternoons of Day 2 and 3. We are looking for a lecture which could be scheduled for the afternoon of Day 1.

M: _ _ _
A: _ L F
1 2 3

Oils cannot be scheduled on Day 1 because Rule 1 tells us that Day 2 is the only day for which Oils can be scheduled.

Pastels cannot be scheduled on Day 1 because this would mean that the lectures on Day 2 would have to be History and Fresco. We already know that Fresco is on Day 3; therefore, Pastels cannot be scheduled on Day 1 or Day 2.

History allows for a set-up which meets all the rules as demonstrated in the following:

M: S N P
A: H L F
1 2 3

Notice that this meets all of our conditions:

1) Oils is not scheduled

2) Sculpture is not scheduled for the afternoon and Watercolors is not scheduled

3) Naturalism is scheduled for the same day as Lithography

4) Pastels is scheduled on Day 3, so this rule does not apply.

Hope this is helpful! Please let us know if you have any further questions.