October 2012 LSAT
Section 2
Question 19
Which one of the following CANNOT be true within a single zone?

Victoria on April 8, 2021
Hi @cici92,Happy to help!
We know that Millville has three new development zones: Z1, Z2, and Z3.
Within these zones, subzones can be designated for H, I, or R. No subzone is designated for more than one use.
We also learn that no more than three subzones can be designated for each of the three uses.
What do we know so far? There are three zones which contain a maximum total of nine subzones. This does not necessarily mean that each zone has three subzones. It is possible that there are four subzones in one zone, three in another, and two in the third. It is also possible that there are fewer than nine total subzones.
Now let's go through our conditions.
Rule 1 - R subzones are not allowed in Z1
Therefore, Z1 can only contain H or I subzones.
Rule 2 - No more than two subzones for H are allowed in any particular zone.
This means that any zone can have 0, 1, or 2 H subzones.
Rule 3 - No more than one R subzone is allowed in any zone in which a subzone is designated for H.
H --> Max 1 R
More than 1 R --> No H
Rule 4 - I subzones are not allowed in any zone in which a subzone is designated for H or three subzones are designated for R
H --> No I
I --> No H
3R --> No I
I --> Less than 3R
Based on the above rules, it is entirely possible that one zone has four subzones: 2R and 2I. We know that it cannot be Z1 because Z1 cannot contain any R subzones. Let's try Z2.
Z1: H H
Z2: R R I I
Z3: R H
Notice that this meets all of our conditions, including the condition from the stimulus which states that a total of no more than three subzones can be designated for each of the three uses (our set-up has 3H, 3R, and 2I).
1) There are no R subzones in Z1
2) There is no zone which contains more than two subzones for H. Z1 contains exactly two subzones for H and Z3 contains 1.
3) Z3 is the only zone which includes both an R and an H subzone. There is only one R subzone.
4) Z1 and Z3 are the only two zones which contain H subzones. Neither of these zones contains an I subzone. There are no zones which contain 3 R subzones.
Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any further questions.