The passage contains support for which one of the following statements concerning those scholars who analyze works wr...

amarachicynthia on April 11, 2021

Answer choice B

I do not know which scholar the question was referring to. Can someone please explain

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I am not an instructor but I will try to help. I believe the support for correct answer B) is the following:

Binns argues that these scholars treat the . English–language writings of Renaissance England as (35) an autonomous and coherent whole, underestimating . the influence on English writers of their counterparts . on the European Continent. In so doing they ignore the . fact that English intellectuals were educated in schools . and universities where they spoke and wrote Latin, and (40) inhabited as adults an intellectual world in which what . happened abroad and was recorded in Latin was of . great importance.

B) states that “These scholars tend to lack the combination of training in both language and intellectual history that is necessary for a proper study of important and neglected Latin texts.”

This is exactly what the line references are telling us. These scholars treat Renaissance English writings as an “autonomous and coherent whole, underestimating the influence on English of their counterparts.” These counterparts are from Europe as many English Renaissance writers went to school in Europe in Latin. So these writers spent considerable amount of their adult and intellectual life abroad where many of their important studies were recorded in Latin.

In more colloquial terms, because these scholars analyzing English Renaissance writing ignore the part of their subjects’ life abroad studying in Latin, they lack both the combination of training in language (Latin language) and intellectual history (English writers educated in Latin abroad and how their Latin education has influenced their work). This combination of both language and intellectual history unfortunately is crucial (necessary) for a proper study of important and neglected Latin texts.

Without these skills, these scholars cannot analyse their subjects’ (English Renaissance writers) work properly. In fact, the last paragraph fully confirms the inability of these scholars’ to properly analyse English Renaissance writing. Please refer to this line reference. “These limitations are understandable. No modern . classicist is trained to deal with the range of problems . posed by a difficult piece of Renaissance science; . few students of English intellectual history are trained . to read the sort of Latin in which such works were (55) written. Yet the result of each side's inability to cross . boundaries has been that each presents a distorted . reading of the intellectual culture of Renaissance . England.” Thus, the passage concludes by calling individual scholar’s analysis of English Renaissance writing a “distorted reading of the intellectual culture of Renaissance.”

I hope that it helps. Please feel free to correct me. Thank you.

Ravi on February 12, 2022

The question is asking us about scholars who analyze works written in Latin.

Looking back at the passage, we see that the main point is located in the middle of the first paragraph in lines 12-14, when the passage says, "However, because many academic specialization do not overlap, many texts central to an interpretation of Early Modern English culture have gone unexamined." Looking at B, it describes the lack of specialization overlap, which results in important texts not getting examined. This is reflected in B, so it's the correct answer choice. on May 1, 2022

Thank you!