Some twentieth–century art is great art. All great art involves original ideas, and any art that is not influential ...

liwenong28 on April 27, 2021

Can someone please explain answer choice A

Im not sure how A follows since we cannot combine 2 some statements. Thank you!

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Victoria on May 9, 2021

Hi @liwenong28,

Happy to help!

This is definitely a bit confusing.

We know that "all great art involves original ideas."

Great art --> Original ideas
No original ideas --> Not great art

We also know that "any art that is not influential cannot be great art." In other words, all great art is influential.

Great art --> Influential
Not influential --> Not great art

While we cannot combine these statements in the traditional sense, we can conclude that all great art is influential and involves original ideas. Therefore, at least some art (i.e. great art) is influential and involves original ideas.

Hope this helps! Please let us know if you have any further questions.