In a study, six medical students were each separately presented with the same patient, whose symptoms could be the re...

IkeHansen on May 18, 2021

Explanation of A

I'm confused by this answer. Where in the stimulus are we talking about two groups of med students? It appears to me that its the same group. A seemed out of scope on my initial pass through

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Emil-Kunkin on September 21, 2022

This is a must be true, so we should read the stimulus carefully, and diagram if we choose to do so. The stimulus describes an experiment, and there are no real quantifiers or sufficient and necessary language (with the possible exception of the last sentence), so I probably wouldn't diagram this, and would rather just make sure I have a strong understanding of the experiment. We are told that six students were presented with a patient with symptoms, and a doctor asked them how to rule out a certain condition, which varied for each of the students. LAter, each student was given a patient with similar symptoms alone, and the first test they ran was the one the doctor had mentioned a week earlier.

(A) Appears to be strongly supported. We know that each of the students was presented with a different condition in the first week, and that each of the students chose the same condition in the second week. So, it must follow that each of them chose different conditions in week two. It is not talking about two different groups of students, but rather, the two different times the students were asked.