The capture of a wild animal is justified only as a last resort to save that animal's life. But many wild animals are...

jasonglazer on May 20, 2021

valid vs flawed argument

This is more of a general question, but I'm having an extremely hard time differentiating a valid and flawed argument. When there aren't sufficient and necessary terms and quantifiers in the question that allow me to diagram it, both the stimulus and answer choices all seem valid to me. I never feel like I have any sort of reason to question the validity in any of the answer choices for any question. Not sure if this makes sense, hope someone can help.

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Emil-Kunkin on August 2 at 11:35PM

You can safely assume that if you are being asked to strengthen or weaken, or do anything similar, like sufficient assumptions, that it is flawed. Basically every argument on the LSAT is flawed, save for most parallel reasoning questions. The premises fail to guarantee the conclusion.