It can be inferred that the author believes that the extension of the states' powers and jurisdictions with respect t...

AllisonJ on May 20, 2021

Answer choice D and inference tips

I am realist what E is wrong and D is write, but could that be explained further. Also, I have noticed a pattern in my self of getting inference questions wrong, and I was wondering if there were any tips with these sort of questions I could use to improve my accuracy in them?

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Emil-Kunkin on September 27 at 01:45AM

The first sentence of the last paragraph supports D, as does the structure of the passage. The author is talking about ways in which the Supreme Court has aided the tribes. They then give as an example the fact that it has prevented incursions by the state. Thus, these incursions must not be good for the tribes. E is wrong because there is nothing in the passage saying there is precedent for such incursions.

In general, inference questions are just must be trues.