Numismatist: In medieval Spain, most gold coins were minted from gold mined in West Africa, in the area that is no...

Alexisnrodriguez93 on June 3, 2021

Why is A better than C?

I'm a little confused about this question. I chose A and am wondering why that was wrong. Thanks!

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Emil-Kunkin on October 13 at 09:17PM

A is correct here. The passage tells us that the gold from Senegal was unrefined, but refined gold could be refined to a greater purity than the Senegalese gold. However, merchants preferred to deal in Senegalese gold.

A explains why pretty well, it tells us that the gold from Senegal was standard, while the refined gold varied in its content. This is a pretty strong reason to use the gold that is less pure, if you actually know the amount of pure gold you are getting.

C does the opposite. It tells us that the purity of both the Senegalese and the refined gold was knowable. This makes it harder to understand why merchants would prefer the less pure gold, as it shows it was not more certain how much gold you were actually receiving.